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About us

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Dr. Isaac Olatunji

About Project Latter Rain Ministries


Project Latter Rain Ministries is God supported ministry operating from Huntsville, AL.  Dr. Isaac Olatunji also affectionately known as "Dr.O" is the speaker/director of this faith-based ministry.  Having spoken in Africa, Australia, Europe, Bermuda as well as North America, Dr. Olatunji has dedicated his life towards revival and reformation through evangelism, preaching, teaching, and healing.  


Dr. Olatunji is also a professor of Religion at Oakwood University teaching the tenets of the Christian faith instilling confidence in the word of God as the final authority and as the reveler of all doctrines and spiritual experiences.  

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Box 30033 7000 Adventist Blvd

Huntsville, AL 35896

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